Three T's

The donation truck for National Children's Center is coming tomorrow; I am donating all Mike's clothes, and college dorm room stuff to charity. All, except for the items of clothing that spark too much desire in my heart...those, I just hung back up in the closet. I will revisit later, when time starts to blur the images that are so finely etched in the forefront of my thoughts.

I did come across the three tee shirts I will mention. It is customary to receive a shirt signed by the staff at Hopkins after your complete your chemo protocol. The first two shirts are from rounds 1 and 2 of treatment. He did a round three, and was cancer free for eight days (April, 2012), before they discovered the MDS leukemia as a result of all the harsh treatments he had endured. The third shirt is after the successful bone marrow transplant for the MDS. We returned home in June. The cancer came back in September, probably. Three shirts, four years. I wish there was another shirt.


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